How to recover recorded video files?
Video capture

First make a backup of all files.

You have a video file (.avi) and a separated audio file (.wav)

Open the Screenpresso settings Windows, go to "Video Capture" tab, click "Advanced video settings" button, then Recovering tool. (This option is only available when Direct recording to MP4 is not checked)

Screenshot of Recovering tool

Select the video and the corresponding audio to merge

You have a .avi file (with embedded audio) instead of a .mp4 file

Drag and drop the .avi files to Screenpresso workspace then double-click on them to open them in the built-in video player.
you can then click on the "Format" button to convert the video.

You have separated .mp4 files (with embedded audio) instead of 1 single .mp4 video file

Open Screenpresso workspace, select the 2 first files, right-click then choose "Merge videos".
Redo the previous step to merge all the videos.

See Also...

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